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Breaking the Ice; COP25 Panel Hosted by the WWF Arctic Programme

December 13, 2019. Breaking the ice, bringing young scientists and indigenous youth to the decision making table in the Arctic. On Thursday, the WWF Arctic Programme hosted a panel exploring how to bring young scientists and Indigenous youth to the decision-making table in the Arctic. This panel featured three Students on Ice Arctic alumni; Marina Melanidis, Martina … Continued

Shakti Ramkumar: Why Young People Force Systems Change

December 11, 2019. On Wednesday December 11 Shakti took part in the panel on Ambition through National Action: Successes in System Transformation and Sectoral Decarbonization. She spoke on the role of youth in forcing systems change. Background and Context: Science is clear  – to stay compatible with a 1.5°C world, we must end new coal and peak carbon … Continued